> 文章列表 > 春节和腊月是什么节气英文





  • 春节 (农历正月初一) - The Spring Festival (the first day of the lunar year)
  • 元宵节 (农历正月十五) - The Lantern Festival (the fifteenth day of the lunar year)
  • 清明节 (农历四月初五) - The Qingming Festival (the fifth day of the fourth lunar month)
  • 端午节 (农历五月初五) - The Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)
  • 中秋节 (农历八月十五) - The Mid-Autumn Festival (the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)
  • 国庆节 (阳历10月1日) - National Day (October 1st)




  • 立春 - Spring Begins
  • 雨水 - The Rains
  • 惊蛰 - Insects Awaken
  • 春分 - Vernal Equinox
  • 清明 - Clear and Bright
  • 谷雨 - Grain Rain




  • 立春 - Spring Begins
  • 雨水 - The Rains
  • 惊蛰 - Insects Awaken
  • 春分 - Vernal Equinox
  • 清明 - Clear and Bright
  • 谷雨 - Grain Rain
  • 立夏 - Start of Summer
  • 小满 - Grain Full
  • 芒种 - Grain in Ear
  • 夏至 - Summer Solstice
  • 小暑 - Slight Heat
  • 大暑 - Great Heat
  • 立秋 - Start of Autumn
  • 处暑 - End of Heat
  • 白露 - White Dew
  • 秋分 - Autumnal Equinox
  • 寒露 - Cold Dew
  • 霜降 - Frost Descends
  • 立冬 - Start of Winter
  • 小雪 - Slight Snow
  • 大雪 - Great Snow
  • 冬至 - Winter Solstice
  • 小寒 - Slight Cold
  • 大寒 - Great Cold



China has a rich cultural heritage with many traditional festivals that hold great significance. Let\'s explore some of the major Chinese traditional festivals:

  • New Year\'s Day (January 1st) - 新年(元旦): It marks the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year, and people celebrate with fireworks, festive meals, and family gatherings.
  • The Spring Festival (Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year) - 春节:It is the most important traditional festival in China, symbolizing the arrival of spring. Families come together for a reunion dinner, exchange red envelopes containing money, and set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits.
  • The Lantern Festival (the fifteenth day of the lunar year) - 元宵节: As the finale of the Chinese New Year celebrations, people light and appreciate lanterns, solve riddles on lanterns, and enjoy various cultural performances.
  • Tomb-Sweeping Day (April 4th or 5th of the lunar calendar) - 清明节: This festival is dedicated to paying respects to ancestors and sweeping their tombs. People also enjoy outdoor activities such as flying kites and having a spring outing.
  • The Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) - 端午节: It commemorates the ancient poet Qu Yuan and involves dragon boat races, eating sticky rice dumplings called zongzi, and hanging up pouches of herbs to repel evil spirits.
  • The Mid-Autumn Festival (the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month) - 中秋节: It is a time for family gatherings, admiring the full moon, and eating mooncakes. The festival symbolizes reunion and well wishes for the future.
  • The National Day (October 1st) - 国庆节: It celebrates the founding of the People\'s Republic of China with various patriotic activities, fireworks, and public celebrations.

These festivals are not only a time of joyful celebration but also an opportunity for people to connect with their cultural roots and strengthen family bonds.


The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese Lunar New Year, has a long and fascinating history steeped in tradition and folklore. It is the most important traditional festival in China and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy.

The origins of the Spring Festival can be traced back thousands of years. According to legends, there was once a monster named Nian that terrorized the villages, eating crops and livestock and even devouring people. But the villagers discovered that Nian was afraid of loud noises and the color red. So, they used firecrackers to scare away the monster and decorated their homes with red paper cuttings and lanterns.

Over time, these practices evolved into the customs and traditions that we see today during the Spring Festival. The festival is a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, eat delicious food, and honor ancestors. Red envelopes containing money, called \"hongbao,\" are given out to bring good luck and blessings for the new year. Dragon and lion dances, as well as traditional performances like the Beijing Opera, are also common during this festive season.

The Spring Festival not only marks the beginning of a new year but also represents the hope for a prosperous and lucky future. It is a time when people reflect on the past year, set goals for the coming year, and wish for good fortune and happiness for themselves and their loved ones.


Here are the English translations for some of China\'s traditional festivals:

  • 春节 (The Spring Festival)
  • 元宵节 (The Lantern Festival)
  • 头牙 (Head Teeth)
  • 寒食节 (Cold Food Festival)
  • 清明节 (Tomb-Sweeping Festival)
  • 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival)
  • 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival)
  • 国庆节 (National Day)

These festivals are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and carry significant historical and cultural meanings. They are celebrated with traditional rituals, delicious food, and vibrant festivities.

中国所有节日英文版 - 懂得

Here is a list of Chinese festivals in English, sorted by date:

  1. New Year\'s Day (January 1st)
  2. The Spring Festival (Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year)
  3. The Lantern Festival (the fifteenth day of the lunar year)
  4. Tomb-Sweeping Day (April 4th or 5th of the lunar calendar)
  5. The Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)
  6. The Mid-Autumn Festival (the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)
  7. National Day (October 1st)

These festivals represent the rich cultural heritage and diverse traditions of China. Each festival has its unique customs and brings people together to celebrate and cherish their shared history.


Here are the English names for the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar:

  • 立春 (Spring Begins)
  • 雨水 (The Rains)
  • 惊蛰 (Insects Awaken)
  • 春分 (Vernal Equinox)
  • 清明 (Clear and Bright)
  • 谷雨 (Grain Rain)
  • 立夏 (Start of Summer)
  • 小满 (Grain Full)
  • 芒种 (Grain in Ear)
  • 夏至 (Summer Solstice)
  • 小暑 (Slight Heat)
  • 大暑 (Great Heat)
  • 立秋 (Start of Autumn)
  • 处暑 (End of Heat)
  • 白露 (White Dew)
  • 秋分 (Autumnal Equinox)
  • 寒露 (Cold Dew)
  • 霜降 (Frost Descends)
  • 立冬 (Start of Winter)
  • 小雪 (Slight Snow)
  • 大雪 (Great Snow)
  • 冬至 (Winter Solstice)
  • 小寒 (Slight Cold)
  • 大寒 (Great Cold)

These solar terms serve as markers of the changing seasons and have significant agricultural and meteorological implications. They provide insights into the natural rhythms and cycles that govern traditional Chinese life.
